These are the latest Corrections For:
"Perera's Telegraph Collector's Guide" (First edition).
Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried to make it "perfect", some
errors and problems remained in the final product. Hopefully you will
email corrections to me and I will be able to incorporate all of them
into future editions.
The biggest disappointment was with the photos. Much of the fine detail was
lost in the printing process... especially where there are large areas
of black... The SECOND EDITION uses a different printing shop and I
have reduced the contrast dramatically before submitting the pictures
to the printer.
Another change that I made in the SECOND EDITION was to include pictures of a
typical "key", "register", "sounder", and "relay" in the historical
introduction to help people who are totally unfamiliar with
telegraph equipment. I was forced to leave these pictures out because
of the 80 page limitation.
Another change in the SECOND EDITION is the inclusion of a detailed and cross-referenced 1500-item index which allows readers to find anything in the book with a minimum of time and effort. Again, the 80 page limit of the first edition forced me to leave out this important section.
The new printer allowed me to go to a full 100 pages and I was
able to include a lot more helpful information. What else would
YOU like to see included in future editions ?? For instance, do I need to
include a list of the dot-dash equivalents of letters in the Morse and
International codes?
Here are the detailed corrections:
Revision Date:02-24-2001
Number of corrections: 35
PAGE # ITEM # CORRECTION: 1 and 8 There are now over 900 items in my internet Telegraph Museums 9 70 Typo: witha -> with a 11 120 diplex should read: duplex Also: Polechanger keys were used to switch the polarities from positive to negative for the duplex and quadruplex lines. 15 176 diplex should read duplex. 16 192 I should have emphasized how very important the "toy" telegraph sets and inexpensive Bunnell KOBs were in getting young people interested in careers in telegraph. 16 194a Teleplex also made a similar device. 17 200 Typo: TheAutoplex --> The Autoplex 18 212 The round-shaft "X" was also called the "Improved" model. 18 220 The internet image in my internet museum is incorrectly listed at the end of the Guide on page 78 as 7000. Actually, the Vertical Vibroplex is shown in my museum as 6265. 25 294 The rotating frame Dow was also called The "Universal" Model. 27 1st. Para Should read: high current primary & high voltage secondary. 27 2nd. Para Since there were over 100,000 licensed stations before WW-I, the scarcity of spark keys is a mystery. 29 428 This is NOT a flameproof key. (The contacts are not enclosed.) 29 428 This is NOT similar to item 424. 29 432 This is a German Spark Key. 30 436 This is a Wireless key not a Spark Key. 30 438 This is a solid brass key with 1-1/2" contacts. 30 440 This is not similar to # 438. It is British Admiralty pattern 7681. The high knob indicates that it had a pressed steel cover. 33 502 A cover in good condition adds significantly (20%+) to the value of this key. 33 520 ( 937 - 1984 ) should read ( 1937 - 1984) 43 660 The photo actually shows a CMI26003A key which was made by the Moulded Insulator Co. 44 692 This key was actually manufactured in 1977. It is marked: MIL-C-24174/3-001 and made by STB. 49 770 Change description to: Aircraft light blinker key: used to blink the lights on British and Canadian aircraft for plane-to-plane communications during periods of radio silence. There were metal (like this one) and bakelite versions. 50 810-814 Change all references to JUNKERS (Who made airplanes) to JUNKER, the telegraph key manufacturer of Bonn, Germany. 51 818 Change xxx-26003A to Cxx-26003A 51 824 The Baumuster key is also called the "T-1" key. 55 971 Manufactured by the Henry Rousseau Co. 76 PERIODICALS: The KEYLETTER: Published by Lynn Burlingame - N7CFO Internet web pages: email: Address: 15621 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA 98008 $10 contribution / year. $25 for all back issues! 77 Internet Links: add: - The Vibroplex Co. 77 Internet Links: add: (Tom French--W1IMQ / Artifax Books homepage.) 77 Internet Links: add: (Lynn Burlingame - N7CFO, the "Keyletter" 77 Internet Links: Antique Wireless Assoc. corrected: 77 Internet Links: NJ Antique Radio Club corrected: 77 Internet Links: Russ Kleinman corrected: 78-79 The prices in this list represent the prices that an 'AVERAGE' collector would pay for an item. Internet auctions with their huge bidder base often bring much higher prices. HOWEVER, the RELATIVE prices remain the same. (That is: a low value key will remain proportionally lower in value than a high value key even though the overall values may shift upward in internet auctions.)
Internet ENIGMA Museum:
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: (Copyright (c) 2023: Prof. Tom Perera Ph. D.)
Although all the pictures and text are copyrighted, you may use any of them
for your own personal applications including public lectures and
demonstrations, publications and websites as long as you mention the Museum. If you plan to offer them for sale to the public
in any form, please email me for permission which I will generally grant as
long as you mention my museum: or My email address is
given at the bottom of this page. Some of the material may require contacting
other copyright owners for commercial use and I will inform you by email.
Please also see the Disclaimer of Warranty.